Writer/Director Spencer MacKay directs on film set

“Not Everything is Black and White” by Spencer MacKay

Editor-in-chief Zack Long here. I first met Spencer in my short stint in the film program here. Spencer stood out and, as is clear through the article, can't help but stand out because of...
Wendy crying in The Shining kitchen

The Female Gothic: Three Steps To Creating Authentic Women in Horror Literature by Meg...

There is a notion of the kick ass woman. She is strong, perhaps even muscular. She is a natural leader, tough, and quick-thinking. We’ve seen her in movies like Alien (1979) and Resident Evil (2002). I’ve never...
Black Christmas Landscape Movie Poster

The Slasher Film: Memories, Murders, and Myths.

Paul Farrell It was the summer of 1998. I was fourteen, at a sleepover with my closest friends and fighting the group’s movie choice with every fiber of my being. The night had grown dark,...

Hellraiser: The Parable of a Sexual Woman by Vincent Bec

Hellraiser (1987, covered by Scriptophobic columnist Paul Ferrell here) is an ode to the disgusting. It is a film about the beauty of bodily ooze, and one woman’s, apparently unwavering, attraction to it. The...