the dinner party gathers

Holy Horror: The Invitation and Terror in Intimate Places

Note: A special message to all Scriptophobic readers. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, writing Holy Horror unfortunately had to be put on the back burner while my employment situations changed. This column will continue,...

Introducing ‘Holy Horror,’ a new column by Rachel Bolton

Hello readers of Scriptophobic! As we head into a new year and a new decade, I decided it’s time for something different. Starting in January, I will be writing a new monthly column, Holy...

Holy Horror: Noroi the Curse and the Importance of Folk Rituals

Hello and welcome to the first Holy Horror! Scriptophobic’s very own comparative religion meets horror movie analysis column. To get this off on the right foot, I decided to start with Koji Shirashi’s 2005...
the bloody body of Christ

Holy Horror: More isn’t Always Better in THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (2004)

The story is over two thousand years old and important to people all over the world.  It is an integral part of several religions. Even non-believers can be fond of him. So of course...