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Tag: Telling Lies

The Expectations of Blood and Gore

Good fiction and film requires conflict. And usually when we’re talking about genre, that conflict often includes violence and some amount of blood. How...
Pages of a book burning

Seven Ways to Make a Great First Impression

The most deluded thing a writer can tell a prospective publisher about their recently finished manuscript is that “it gets better as it goes.”...
Wendy crying in The Shining kitchen

The Female Gothic: Three Steps To Creating Authentic Women in Horror Literature by Meg...

There is a notion of the kick ass woman. She is strong, perhaps even muscular. She is a natural leader, tough, and quick-thinking. We’ve...
Notebook and pencil surrounded by crumpled papers

Reclaiming “Write What You Know”

‘Write What You Know’ is one of the oldest pieces of writing advice around. Even folks who’ve never even planned to write a book...