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Tag: Script-to-Screen

Batteries Included: The Terrifying Power of Child’s Play (1988)

The TV glowed in the center of the room, reflecting the visage of a stern looking news anchor going on about something I had...

A Case of Worms: Escaping the Graboids of Tremors (1990)

After the cereal had grown soggy and the orange juice was long gone, the final credits rolled on the morning’s last cartoon. Still, the...

Facing Down a Mack Truck: Severen in Near Dark (1987)

At first glance, I thought I was staring at a copy of Twilight (2008). The pale, brooding face staring down from the top right corner...

Babysitting Jud in Pet Sematary (1989)

Even as a child, with no knowledge or interest in the more horrific stories that the world had to offer me, I was aware...
A vampire bleeds and screams from a burning cross on his forehead from film Waxwork (1988)

Drenched in Blood: Exploring the Vampires of Waxwork (1988)

The bulk of my experience with horror as a kid can be summed up by all of the unreasonably disconcerting VHS covers I nervously...
A corridor drenched in blood and guts with a couple zombies eating bodies from film The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

All Hell Breaks Loose: The Monster Massacre of The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

Horror movie tropes are a funny thing. On the one hand, they’re sort of comforting. Like an old friend, showing up to chat and have...

Just Hanging Around in Urban Legend (1998)

I have a confession: I didn’t always get horror. You see, the horror genre and I have a long, sordid relationship. Sure, everything is all...

Zombie VS Shark, What Else Needs to be Said?

I’m not ashamed to admit that as a budding horror fan, my first obsession— my first love— was zombie flicks. George A. Romero’s Night of...

A Pain in the Butt: The Tiny Ashs of Army of Darkness (1984)

The day the Hollywood Video finally opened its doors was a notable one in the small town where I grew up. Over the months leading...

Don’t Get Them Wet: Birthing Adorable Monstrosities in Gremlins (1984)

It was late and it was snowing. I was wrapped in a blanket that smelled sort of funny, you know, a musty sort of...

Clowning Around in Krampus (2015)

“He left me, as a reminder of what happens when hope is lost, when belief is forgotten, and the Christmas spirit dies.” Now, I know...

Blood, Laughs and Yard Work in Tucker and Dale VS. Evil (2010)

I had been hearing about Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010) for over a year when it finally hit Netflix in late 2011....

Try Walking That Off …a Written in Blood Look at Misery (1990)

Creating something, regardless of your canvas of choice, is a frustrating, tumultuous process. The act requires sacrifice, both of self and ideology, resulting in...

Goodnight, Evil Ed, Fright Night (1985)

Every year, on October 1st, I have a ritual. I light some candles. I plug in the jack o’lantern beside my couch. I watch as...

Ripping Through Reality in IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS (1994)

Reality is a funny thing It all boils down to perspective, doesn’t it? Each person builds their world-view based on what surrounds them, which in...

Speaking the Curse to Drag Me to Hell (2009)

You Shamed Me It was early summer in 2009. Friday night. I was sitting in a movie theater, as I was prone to do and...

Choking on Day of the Dead (1985)

I placed the DVD down on the table excitedly, bright yellow and featuring the jutting out visage of a forlorn looking zombie. I had...

Opening a Door on Scream (1996)

One fateful sleepover in the summer of 1998, my friend Erich opened his father’s VHS cabinet and invited the group of us to peer...

Bath Invaders from Outer Space in James Gunn’s Slither (2006)

Global Worming I arrived at the movie theater about 45 minutes early. I was energized. Excited. It was Friday night, opening night, and I was...

The Resurrection of Uncle Frank in Hellraiser (1987)

To Hell and Back Most of my days in college were a constant struggle between going to class and doing the work I knew I...

The Dangers of Sitting Too Close to the TV in A Nightmare on Elm...

Freddy's Big Break Many years passed between my introduction to Freddy Krueger and my subsequent foray into the remainder of the franchise. I was a...

Reasoning with the Unreasonable in No Country for Old Men

Horror, deep in its dark heart, is about forcing characters to confront the unimaginable: the killer with a knife, the book that raises the...
Jaws shark attacks boat

The Mouth of Hell in Jaws (1975)

Like most kids born in the early to mid-80s, I grew up knowing the name Steven Spielberg. My cousins and I wore out my...

Restricted Point of View in The Invitation

Question Scream Writers: What do Shutter Island (2010), Memento (2000), and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) all have in common? Answer: Each of these...

The Neon Demon: Where Visuals are More Important than Script

Welcome back to Everything but Bone! This week we are going to be examining one of the most polarizing horror films of 2016, Nicolas Winding...