A Nightmare on elm street landscape artwork movie poster

Tina’s Death in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

ANALOG NIGHTMARES The first time I watched Wes Craven’s seminal masterpiece, I was huddled around a 22’’ tube TV sitting on the shaggy carpeted floor of a friend’s spare bedroom. The room was full of...
Girl brutally murdered in It Follows

How Setting and Soundtrack Make It Follows a Standout Horror Film

Welcome to the very first Everything But Bone, a column about storytelling in film that looks at everything BUT dialogue. I’m talking sets, costumes, editing, cinematography soundtrack, and all the other aspects that make...
Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci in Monster

Patty Jenkins and Levelling the Playing Field in Monster (2003)

The name Aileen Wuornos conjures to most the image of a wild eyed, crazed woman who shouted profanities in court after being condemned to death for the killing of several men in Florida between...

Location as Character with The Witch (2015)

Welcome back, Scream Writers. Have you ever noticed that some films are set in locations that feel as much, if not more, of a character than the rest of cast? Just think of The...

After a 100 Years, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Still Scares

Horror movies are in the middle of a renaissance. Sure, us fans know they have always been valued forms of entertainment, now horror is being taken a little more seriously. But let’s...

Replanting Godzilla Vs. Biollante (1989)

Originally the Big G was intended to sit out of this column for quite some time, as there have been a copious amount of writing detailing his storied career. However given that this is...

Written in Blood: Bringing Down a Chopper in The Hitcher (1986)

Horror is a genre of fear, in all of its forms. Fear of the unknown, fear of the self, fear of the other— the manifestations are endless. Still, each iteration offers a relatable thread,...

One Missed Pod 005: BATTLE HEATER (1989)

This week's a Kelly pick and she's selected one of the craziest Japanese horror-comedies ever put to film: George Iida's Battle Heater, a movie about a killer table. That's right: a killer table. From...
ring collection

One Missed Pod 017: SPIRAL (1998) and RING 2 (1999) with special guest Paul...

This week's episode was originally going to be 1998's Spiral with Andrew Roebuck but due to a medical emergency, the discussion on George Iida's Spiral was wrapped into the discussion on Ringu 2 with...

Toku Tuesday Catch-Up

2021 has been a difficult year to say the least; having had a serious stroke in September of 2020 this entire year thus far has been an arduous process. If I’m not having trouble...
Covers of films written by these screenwriters

Screenwriters Talk Genre and Share Advice in These Six Video Interviews

When it comes to learning screenwriting, it never hurts to actually listen to the screenwriters rather than the directors. Seems logical, but some people get caught up in the auteur theory instead of going...

Conservatism and Identity in The Stepfather (1987)

People love real stories about death, murder, and all varieties of human atrocities. This predilection for tragedy extends all the way back into the era of the Ancient Greek poets, right up to present...
Mrs. Winter cries while Mrs. Danvers watches from the film Rebecca (1940)

The Villain Does Not Appear: The Invisible Power of Rebecca

Welcome to the first Everything But Bone of 2019. It’s been a hectic year so far for me, so I hope it’s been treating you better than I. For this week’s article, I thought...

Pretending to be Alive: The Zombies of Land of the Dead (2005)

My imagination was running wild. The menacing heads of encroaching zombies stretched as far as the yellow and black horizon, under the shadow of a dimly lit cityscape. Floating above it all in large red...

Good VS Evil: Murphy’s Death in Robocop (1987)

The pop culture zeitgeist is a machine that can metamorphose its icons into something digestible. Safe. Crowd— and therefore family— friendly. The more press and entertainment space awarded to a figure, the more familiar...
ju-on origins banner

One Missed Pod 009: JU-ON: ORIGINS episodes 1-3

Tune into a new episode of One Missed Pod and listen in as Zack Long and Kelly Warner take you on an in-depth, extra spoilery discussion of the first three episodes of the new...

One Missed Pod: Exploring Japanese Found Footage

On Episode 21, we had Scriptophobic writer Rachel Bolton on to speak about the found footage masterpiece Noroi: The Curse (2005). We mentioned quite a few films in that episode, especially the work of Kōji Shiraishi. Shiraishi's...
Notebook and pencil surrounded by crumpled papers

Reclaiming “Write What You Know”

‘Write What You Know’ is one of the oldest pieces of writing advice around. Even folks who’ve never even planned to write a book have heard that bit of ageless wisdom. Where did it...

Scream Writing Questions with William Dickerson

This week we're joined by Writer-Director William Dickerson. William has been keeping himself busy with a plethora of titles since 2013 and doesn't look to be slowing down any time soon. From his love...

Paranoia, Marginalization, and Race in Spike Lee’s Summer of Sam (1999)

In the summer of 1977, New York City was suffering after a year of young people being murdered. An unknown man - a human monster - prowled the night, looking for couples alone in...
A vampire bleeds and screams from a burning cross on his forehead from film Waxwork (1988)

Drenched in Blood: Exploring the Vampires of Waxwork (1988)

The bulk of my experience with horror as a kid can be summed up by all of the unreasonably disconcerting VHS covers I nervously studied while passing by them in the video store. The...

Losing an Idle Hand(s) (1999)

When it comes to the movies, comedy was my first love. Sure, horror has my heart these days, but I can’t deny that for a huge portion of my young life I was a slapstick...
a still from Wim Wenders' Tokyo-ga

Scream Writing Fiction: Research Foreign Cities Through YouTube Walks

Sometimes we can discover fantastic resources for writing while just kicking back and relaxing. That's what happened to me when I can up with the idea for this article. I've been going through some...

An Appreciation for the Tokusatsu Fanbase in 2020

This year has been a hard one for all of us. As the year ends it feels like a good time for reflection. Despite the seemingly unending darkness that was 2020, there were bright...
PG poster

The Absurd Punk Energy of PSYCHO GOREMAN (2020)

Tokusatsu has a wide influence and it is never more clear how wide-reaching it is than when you see a film like Psycho Goreman (2020). It is a love letter to the inventiveness found...