Written in Blood

​Paul Farrell takes a script-to-screen look at the best practical effects in horror and examines the written and visual form of the effect with a personal flair.

Ripping Through Reality in IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS (1994)

Reality is a funny thing It all boils down to perspective, doesn’t it? Each person builds their world-view based on what surrounds them, which in time becomes their reality. Still, even then, most seek out...

Written in Blood: The Scoleri Brothers of Ghostbusters II (1989)

For years I thought my earliest theatrical experience belonged to Duck Tales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (1990). Even in my hazy, 6-year-old memory, I recall the dark theater, the huge screen...

The Dangers of Sitting Too Close to the TV in A Nightmare on Elm...

Freddy's Big Break Many years passed between my introduction to Freddy Krueger and my subsequent foray into the remainder of the franchise. I was a different horror fan then, no longer the fresh faced teenager...
larry touches the window where you're next is written in blood

Facing Our Fears in YOU’RE NEXT (2011)

I was a nervous kid. I had a knack for finding ways of being afraid. If I rode a bike, I could fall off. If I climbed a tree, I could topple out. Dogs...

Primeval Surgery in The Ruins (2008)

In my fledgling days of horror fandom, browsing the new release aisle at the local retailers was a weekly tradition. Every Tuesday, I would hit my electronics store of choice, scouring the shelves for...
brigitte finds ginger

The Horror of ‘the Curse’ in GINGER SNAPS (2000)

Werewolf movies are often defined by their transformation sequences. They can live and die in those handful of seconds when the human form is shed and an otherworldly monstrosity springs forth, winning or losing...

Goodnight, Evil Ed, Fright Night (1985)

Every year, on October 1st, I have a ritual. I light some candles. I plug in the jack o’lantern beside my couch. I watch as the timer on my outdoor decorations clicks over, illuminating my...

Written in Blood: Bringing Down a Chopper in The Hitcher (1986)

Horror is a genre of fear, in all of its forms. Fear of the unknown, fear of the self, fear of the other— the manifestations are endless. Still, each iteration offers a relatable thread,...

The Resurrection of Uncle Frank in Hellraiser (1987)

To Hell and Back Most of my days in college were a constant struggle between going to class and doing the work I knew I should be doing versus just saying “screw it” and renting...
a model of the relic's monster

The Horror of Evolution from Script to Screen in THE RELIC (1997)

I had this friend growing up who was known for his Dad’s VHS collection. His living room was lined with wooden cabinets containing every movie one could think of (and plenty more you’d scarcely...

Can I Bug You For a Ride? The Subway Car in Mimic (1997)

Growing up, my house tended to be the spot where most of my friends hung out. We had video games, a pantry stacked with snacks, parents that didn’t interfere… you know, the usual. but...
NOTLD poster

Facing the Darkness in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1968)

Every movie-lover, at their core, has a small collective of films and viewing experiences that define them. Films that forever altered their path in life, irrevocably steering them toward the magic of the silver...

Try Walking That Off …a Written in Blood Look at Misery (1990)

Creating something, regardless of your canvas of choice, is a frustrating, tumultuous process. The act requires sacrifice, both of self and ideology, resulting in something that goes out into the world and, in turn,...

Written in Blood: That Bloody Mirror Scene from Poltergeist (1982)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: as a kid who was terrified of the mere idea of watching a horror movie, little on this Earth distressed me more than the horror...