Scream Writing

Scream Writing is the umbrella category that gathers Scream Writing QuestionsScream Writing ResourcesScream Writing Fiction, and Scream Writing Screenplays.

Michael Myers looks at Bob in kitchen

The Horror of Connotation

While I make it my domain to help screenwriters professionally, both through script consultations and one-on-one mentoring, it is my goal to provide my fellow Scream Writers with as many free tools to advance...

The Expectations of Blood and Gore

Good fiction and film requires conflict. And usually when we’re talking about genre, that conflict often includes violence and some amount of blood. How you depict gore in your work is all about managing...
Covers of films written by these screenwriters

Screenwriters Talk Genre and Share Advice in These Six Video Interviews

When it comes to learning screenwriting, it never hurts to actually listen to the screenwriters rather than the directors. Seems logical, but some people get caught up in the auteur theory instead of going...
Concept art for Evil Dead of possessed sister with shotgun

Pace and Originality in Fede Alvarez’s Evil Dead

Welcome back, my Scream Writers. This week’s article was originally going to cover another screenplay—one that I will leave unnamed. However, when I had found myself making up excuses to avoid reading what I...
Script Slug's Horror Screenplay Page

5 Places to Find Horror Screenplays Online

If you're anything like me, you've read enough advice or listened to enough interviews to know that one the best ways to improve as a screenwriter is to read screenplays. It seems to easy...
Pages of a book burning

Seven Ways to Make a Great First Impression

The most deluded thing a writer can tell a prospective publisher about their recently finished manuscript is that “it gets better as it goes.” That may well be true but if you’re saying that...
The Blackcoat's Daughter bloody cry

Bucking Traditional Wisdom and Forging a Sonic Scape in Oz Perkins’ The Blackcoat’s Daughter...

Welcome to the very first Scream Writing, your one stop shop for advice on writing the horror screenplay. Today we’re going to be talking about 2015’s, filmed in Canada, The Blackcoat’s Daughter (original: February); directed...
Wendy crying in The Shining kitchen

The Female Gothic: Three Steps To Creating Authentic Women in Horror Literature by Meg...

There is a notion of the kick ass woman. She is strong, perhaps even muscular. She is a natural leader, tough, and quick-thinking. We’ve seen her in movies like Alien (1979) and Resident Evil (2002). I’ve never...
Notebook and pencil surrounded by crumpled papers

Reclaiming “Write What You Know”

‘Write What You Know’ is one of the oldest pieces of writing advice around. Even folks who’ve never even planned to write a book have heard that bit of ageless wisdom. Where did it...