Choosing a Victim: Houses, Feasts, Blobs and Dead Kids

One topic that doesn’t come up often in discussions on writing horror is the importance of the victims themselves. There is plenty of writing on characters, but most of the victims in horror aren’t...

Motivation and Stakes in Jaws, Death Spa, and Blue Monkey

If after the first kill in Jaws, the mayor agreed that there was clearly a shark problem and acted fast to get rid of it, then would there still be a movie? Maybe a...
Girl presses her face into mirror

Character Arcs: Are They Necessary?

If you take any Writing 101 course then you will be familiar with the importance of character arcs to fiction. Prose fiction has always been regarded as having quite a bit of leeway when...
The Morgow Rises

Horror Paperbacks for Giant Monster Fans

I made the mistake of re-reading Grady Hendrix’s amazing history of horror paperbacks “Paperbacks from Hell”. Using the word ‘amazing’ may conflict with the word ‘mistake’ to you, but if you were my bank...
morphin time

Mighty Gamin’ Power Rangers

The super Nintendo is truly the perfect retro console. The sprites and the capabilities of the system allow GOOD games to attain a timeless quality. Sprite art ages better than many of the early...

Monster Movie Pool Party

So you’ve found yourself blessed with being fully vaxed and ready to get back into the world this summer. There is no better time to put together a pool party. But not just any...

Toku Tuesday Catch-Up

2021 has been a difficult year to say the least; having had a serious stroke in September of 2020 this entire year thus far has been an arduous process. If I’m not having trouble...

Toku Tuesday: Godzilla Monsters and Protectors #1

When I was looking forward to kaiju in 2021 I had somehow completely left off IDW’s new ongoing comic book  written by Erik Burnham, Art by Dan Schoening, and colours by Luis Antonio Delgado....
the gun deal

IN THE LAND OF LOST ANGELS (2019) film review

Over the last year, the Asian American community has faced a dramatic increase in the number of hate crimes spurred by ignorant men, namely the former president, looking for someone to blame for covid-19....

Ode to the Giant Praying Mantis

One of the few creatures on this earth that terrifies and mystifies me in equal measure is that of the Praying Mantis. They are fearsome looking, especially when they strike out at lightning speed....

Toku Tuesday: Ultramega Issue #1

Par for the course, whenever I make a list of upcoming material I always miss something. In this case I literally missed a GODZILLA comic, which is nigh heresy on my part, however the...

An Interview with Author Alexandra Heller-Nicholas

Welcome back, Scream Scholars. As a part of our continuing education in horror, it only makes sense to reach out to academics who have spent far more time than us considering the genre. It...
Singular Point

Upcoming Tokusatsu and Kaiju Media in 2021

We are entering an unprecedented era of tokusatsu media. Whether it be books, movies, or TV Series, the remainder of 2021 has some huge releases on the horizon. There are a number of smaller...
PG poster

The Absurd Punk Energy of PSYCHO GOREMAN (2020)

Tokusatsu has a wide influence and it is never more clear how wide-reaching it is than when you see a film like Psycho Goreman (2020). It is a love letter to the inventiveness found...
the camper goes up in smoke and flame

Explosive Cruelty in THE HILLS HAVE EYES (1977)

“The first monster that must frighten you is the filmmaker himself” —Wes Craven In the earliest days of my horror movie explorations, there were a handful of directors whose work rose to the very top of...
NOTLD poster

Facing the Darkness in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1968)

Every movie-lover, at their core, has a small collective of films and viewing experiences that define them. Films that forever altered their path in life, irrevocably steering them toward the magic of the silver...
monster madness

Monster Madness

Thrifting is one of my favourite pastimes. Specifically when it comes to looking for books. Spending hours in some dusty basement of a store filled to the brim with books from yesteryear. This is...

An Appreciation for the Tokusatsu Fanbase in 2020

This year has been a hard one for all of us. As the year ends it feels like a good time for reflection. Despite the seemingly unending darkness that was 2020, there were bright...

One Missed Pod: Exploring Japanese Found Footage

On Episode 21, we had Scriptophobic writer Rachel Bolton on to speak about the found footage masterpiece Noroi: The Curse (2005). We mentioned quite a few films in that episode, especially the work of Kōji Shiraishi. Shiraishi's...

Fear Academy – Horror! The Definitive Companion to the Most Terrifying Movies Ever Made...

Welcome back Scream Scholars! The last time the academy met we looked at Wheeler Winston Dixon's A History of Horror and found it to be a rather disappointing volume. While the earlier part of the history it...
Kanzenban's Sadako

One Missed Pod: Ring-A-Palooza Wrap-Up

One Missed Pod has finished with the Ring-A-Palooza but the Ring-A-Palooza hasn't finished with One Missed Pod. The Ring-A-Palooza led to burnout on Ring movies, haunted VHS', and supernatural mysteries that will require time to...

A kaiju author’s travel memoir: HOW TO HAVE AN ADVENTURE IN NORTHERN JAPAN by...

Travel is one thing that no responsible person is participating in this year. However, just because you are trapped inside does not mean your mind cannot wander streets in countries far beyond your own....
brigitte finds ginger

The Horror of ‘the Curse’ in GINGER SNAPS (2000)

Werewolf movies are often defined by their transformation sequences. They can live and die in those handful of seconds when the human form is shed and an otherworldly monstrosity springs forth, winning or losing...

THE GUYVER (1991): A Movie at War with Itself

In 1990, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie became the most successful independent movie of all time. It would hold onto this honour until 1999’s The Blair Witch Project stole the crown. The turtles...
trick r treat Emma the Halloween horror

Don’t Disrespect Halloween Tradition in TRICK ‘R TREAT (2007)

By the time I finally sat down and watched Trick ‘r Treat (2007), I had been living in hyped anticipation for it for close to two years. Since first premiering and earning acclaim on the festival circuit,...