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Tag: Gamera

An Appreciation for the Tokusatsu Fanbase in 2020

This year has been a hard one for all of us. As the year ends it feels like a good time for reflection. Despite...

A kaiju author’s travel memoir: HOW TO HAVE AN ADVENTURE IN NORTHERN JAPAN by...

Travel is one thing that no responsible person is participating in this year. However, just because you are trapped inside does not mean your...
monsters are attacking tokyo (with frame)

Recommendations from the Non-Fiction Godzilla Library

Getting accurate information and history for giant monster films is difficult. There are a lot of voices out there and many of those voices...

Kaiju Con-Line

The virus is for now here to stay and with that all of the common summer hobbies we’ve all grown to love have been...

A Beast Called Gorgo: Exploring the King Brothers’ Kaiju Comic

Gorgo is a 1961 monster film funded by King Brothers Productions after they had a huge success distributing the American version of the Japanese...